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Plug It Up: A Horror Movie Podcast About the Monstrous Feminine

Aug 30, 2022

Colleen joins Caitlin to cover what might be the ultimate Plug It Up movie: 2016's Raw. We bring sleepover energy to this one! We chat about many aspects of the monstrous feminine: monstrous menstruation, monstrous motherhood, monstrous sisterhood, forbidden appetite, and body horror (among various other things that...

Aug 23, 2022

Or should we say MU-TH-UR issues? Jason (from Dads from the Crypt) joins Caitlin to cover a sci fi horror classic: 1979's Alien. Alien is a movie with a ton of cool themes; the ones we pull for Plug It Up are sex and motherhood (with bonus horrific pregnancy/birth). We also get into the development of the script, the...

Aug 16, 2022

Mary joins Caitlin to cover 2003's Gothika. Gothica (stylized as Gothika for the movie) is a real word! New vocab - you love to see it. We dig into themes of revenge, supernatural vs logic, and good ol' ego. We also talk at length about Reese's Cups, our friends Nick and Darren, and our love of John Carroll Lynch....

Aug 9, 2022

Due to a scheduling snafu, the regularly scheduled episode had to be moved, so instead you get some good old fashioned talking-into-the-void from yours truly. I go over some trailers (Don't Worry Darling, The Munsters, The Menu, Smile, Pearl, and Barbarian), some recent releases (Nope, Torn Hearts, Watcher, Hellbender,...

Aug 2, 2022

Joe Charnews of the Small Town Failing Podcast joins Caitlin to cover 2011's Silent House. Elizabeth Olsen brings her A-game in this real-time, long-take production, and we are impressed. The subject matter is heavy, but we love the twist and the way it all came together. In addition to the thematically relevant...