Nov 16, 2021
PIU champ Elizabeth joins Caitlin to cover the 2013 Carrie remake. We've still got pigs blood and dirty pillows, but now with 100% more social media bullying! It was nice to get back to the monstrous menstruation powerhouse that is Carrie. We had a good time talking about the similarities and differences between...
Nov 9, 2021
Colleen and Caitlin experienced Titane in theaters together, where they enjoyed the surround-sound squelches of Alexia's body being taped down, among other grotesque body horror moments. Titane is a wild one! We analyzed the movie as best we could, shared a lot of laughs, and reflected on the ways TLC shows formed my...
Nov 2, 2021
Caitlin is joined by artist, kickball champion, and fellow Richmonder Stephanie to talk about the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead. We ask lots of questions. Where would you spend time if you lived in the mall? Can cats eat bananas? Is CJ the proto-Daryl? Does CJ have the best redemption arc in horror history? How...