Jun 29, 2021
Caitlin is joined by Chase, the only friend who will tolerate her love of American Horror Story while still gently challenging her to think critically about it. This episode is about season 3 episode 1 of American Horror Story Coven, but we touch on AHS tropes and themes as a whole. Ryan Murphy, hit me up. Also,...
Jun 24, 2021
A surprise bonus episode! Friend of the show Mary joins Caitlin to read through listener-submitted questions and stories. We heard from anonymous, Whitney, Roger, and Erica on this one. The coming age stories were hilarious, and the questions were fantastic. Keep sending them in! As our friend Zelda Rubinstein says:...
Jun 22, 2021
Elizabeth and Stephanie join Caitlin to talk about 2019's The Other Lamb. Drink every time we say the word patriarchy. Just kidding, please don't. You'll get alcohol poisoning. Tune in for our discussion around a patriarchal separatist cult that slaughters lambs and also *slaughters lambs* (symbolically). We thought...
Jun 15, 2021
Caitlin is joined by Alyssa and Adam to talk about the oft-forgotten 1977 movie Audrey Rose. Caitlin consults two experts on this one. Adam brings his perspective as an attorney, although he hasn't covered a reincarnation or possession case... yet. Alyssa brings her perspective as a teacher, and she confirms that...
Jun 8, 2021
Elizabeth and Chase return to talk about a found footage favorite: The Last Exorcism. Turns out Nell isn't the only one with confused ideas about puberty. Listen as Chase, Elizabeth, and Caitlin discover how deeply they misunderstood sex and bodies. One thing that isn't confusing: our love for Ashley Bell,...